Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing up

Story number 3000000000000 of my life

After I woke up I made then decision to go get the Hep A shot I've been needing. After I prompted Kailin to jump into my car (for studying afterwards) we were off to the Denton County Health Department. My first frustration was that the clerk gave my a paper telling me to "fill this out" of every shot I'd had ever had and when. I turned it in coming to find out that I only needed to fill out the bottom part: ie my name, address, birthday, blah blah. Following was a rather heated conversation (from me really and just Kailin listening. After my "counseling session" had died down I then realized where my real frustration may have been coming from. I looked up the hours for the Health Department. I drove myself to the Health Department. I filled out my own paper work at the Health Department. I got the shot by myself at the Health Department. BUT I had never done anything like this without my mommy! Before I got my shot I told Kailin "If I get to pick a sticker, I hope they have Hello Kitty (my mom's favorite) cause I would pick that one. And I hope I get a lollipop too." Kailin just chuckled and nodded her head. Well, I'm sad to say that I did not get that choice of sticker and lollipop (another clue of me growing up) so I opted for Yogurt Story and telling my mom was the next best thing to her being there. Another step of growing up and closer to going to Thailand.

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