This year I will be going on a mission trip but it will be out of the country in Thailand. I feel God has been pressing on my heart for a while to go outside of my city, state, and country. To be honest there have been a few fears of my own holding me back like: finances and me never experiencing life outside of the United States before. As soon as I surrendered my fears and doubts to Him and said “Yes, I will go” my dependence on Christ and Christ alone has been tested.
What will I be doing? : What I will be doing this summer is going with a team of 4 from Texas to Thailand. This mission has two parts to it: 1) to prayer walk through every school in the city and pass out Thai comic style bibles to every child in them, teaching bible studies 1 to 2 times a week. 2) Working with college students/adults in English teaching classes. Really, just building relationships with the people of this city and showing them His word and love are everlasting. I can only imagine how humbling it will be to see what God has made outside of just the small speck of land I live on and most of all to see that He is working just as much as he is anywhere else. It’s always amazing to experience his sovereignty!
How much? : Last year, God provided so much for the mission trip then: money, prayer teams, support etc. For this mission trip I have to raise $2650. In my acceptance to go on this mission trip, I also accepted the fact that I have to raise $2650. I also believe that I will not be providing this by myself; God is faithful and always will be. He has already provided some fundraising ideas like: babysitting, my Esty shop, selling my stuff to a local thrift store, and also having a garage sale.
How can you be a part of this?: I know I can’t do this alone. I also know that He calls each of us to be part of missions, be it to pray, to go, or to send. I believe we are all called to pray, and for that reason I am asking that you and your family would commit to praying for the people we’re going to, the city we’ll be ministering to, and for our team. If during your time in prayer the Lord puts it on your heart to support me financially, I would ask that you would follow His call. Thank you so much for your support and love!! (for more info and online donations) (my homemade crafts)
And of course this blog (I am not a consistent blogger but I will try in this process.)
<3 In Him,