Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Spare Moment Saturday

1. I am thankful for the women that walk with me and the women I walk with. I am always encouraged by them in my walk with the Lord through different means like prayer, accountability, and just by watching their walk with the Lord.

2. I am so thankful for sleep. I'm glad I'm not a vampire from the Twilight Saga because I love my sleep, that's the truth.

3. I am thankful for what God has entrusted me with. Even though I have only had two meetings with my steps girls-my heart overflows with joy and love for them in our time together.

4. I am thankful for the hope I get to share with my mentee. I couldn't have gotten a more perfect girl to meet with mentee every week.

5. I am thankful for God, my provider. He is from whom all things flow.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Creator, God.

In my history I wouldn't say that self-image would necessarily be a recurring struggle for me. I suppose it would be fear-of-man that would control that area for me, unfortunately. Anywho, last night you could say that I may have had a teensy weensy emotional spurt of a break down but it lead to a sweet revelation.

It all started with my want for a "change" and it seems that the only thing I can instantly change about my appearance is a drastic haircut. Determined to execute my plan the following morning I decided to take a look into the mirror and make sure this is what I wanted.When I sat in front of the mirror last night it was as if I had not seen this girl before. Every crease in her hands and toes were heightened with intricate details. Her eyes were full of life. There were no critiques about my appearance coming from my peanut gallery last night.

When I was focused on the One who made me none of what he created needed alterations. My heart was overwhelmed by this, fleshing out in a tearful worship for the creator and not the creation. I've had my share of  'I look good' whether that be because of the clothes I'm wearing or it may be just a good day. But just as things like flowers, waterfalls, or mountains beautifully portray God's creative hands-tonight, I did too. He said so gently that I am beautiful, I am flawless, and that I am his daughter-made in the image of Christ. This, this is what God sees when he sees me. Maybe for the first time I believed that this is truly and utterly enough. As this revelation made it's way these truths began to permeate my heart. 

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:13-14
For we are his workmanship, handiwork, masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Who stares back at you; someone with a big nose, thunder thighs, or flat hair? Or do you see a child of God, his beautiful workmanship, continuously growing into the image of Christ? My hope for you, believer, is this would be used as a reminder of who you are, where your identity is, and a renewed awe in who God is as the Creator of the universe

A Spare Moment Saturday

Welcome to the 1st edition of Spare Moment Saturdays! We're we take a moment at the end of the week to reflect and dwell on the things that we're thankful for!  


1. I am thankful for the the intercession of the Holy Spirit and Jesus on my behalf to the Father.  Oh. How. Gracious.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8: 26-27

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Romans 8:34. 

2. I am thankful for the internet. Even though I don't have cable, I am still able to keep up with my shows.

3. I am thankful for Skype. Keeping in touch has never been so easy. Shout out to my friends overseas!

4. I am thankful for the opportunity to go to continue my college education for another semester. Even with all the deadlines, financial quandries, and years. I am still looking foward to my classroom.

5. I am thankful for Brooke Fraser's most recent album "Flags". I cannot stop listening to it.