Thursday, December 13, 2012

Guess Who's Back?

Per usual I write one blog and take a year sabbatical before I write another. And when I decide to write-YOU'VE MISSED A WHOLE YEAR OF MY LIFE! And in a panic I don't know where to start on the updates without writing a novel. Ok. Got it. Let's just do this:

1. I have since become less enthusiastic about couponing.

2. I have since left Bath and Body Works. Worked at David's Bridal. And currently working at a sweet little shop by the name of Denton Square Donuts.

3. I have moved into a wonderful house and even gained a best friend (who is also a blogger, Stacha's blog) in the process.

4. I am still going in college in Denton; closer to graduation!

5. I had another birthday! (thanks to another BFF's avid blogging desire here's proof: 'Feliz-Cumple-Alicia')

6. I got the cutest dog in. the. world. Meet Big Mike Beethoven Simba Wishbone Zahzu Mogli Meeko (no last name...yet!).

7. I got my nose pierced.

8. I got into a mean car accident. I miss my old car. Thankful for my new one.

9. 1 year and 2 months, 13 boards, and 1,308 pins later...I still love Pinterest just as much.

10. My love for math has not changed one bit.

11. I went to Virginia to visit my family. (...even Jamestown, what up!) <---that was the teacher in me.

12. As the year is coming to a close, this year has been the hardest yet best year of my life. God is who He says He is. I have seen much of Him this year! My heart rejoices in Him. Take a gander and dwell a little while on these: Isaiah 41:9-10. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. Jeremiah 17:7-8, 31:3. Deuteronomy 4:24.

Here's to hoping that this year will be full of my blogs! Until next year, friends!