Saturday, October 22, 2011

I am Your servant come to bring You glory

As some of you may know I have been going through a steps program through my church. When I first signed up for this program I was as nervous and anxious as someone can get. I was ready to be drained (emotionally and physically) from my past, present, and future sins. I was afraid of admitting that I had some problems I had never shared with only a select few and let alone to a whole group. Like I said nervous and anxious by what I had heard from previous member who had gone through it.

Well, all of those fears have yet to conquer me. Though this has been a struggle between me and the enemy though! Steps is a pretty big thing to be doing for the Lord, a closer relationship, and more sanctification, more glory to God; that doesn't sound like something the enemy absolutely enjoys. Some struggles that can be prayed for are: my time with the Lord, a strong desire to be with him and in the word especially when I'm tired, and for me to be obedient. When I go through inventories of my resentments/hurts and fears its hard not to feel the hurt and get emotionally again when He reveals those strongholds that I have actually stored away and not really put to death.

As I go through the daily devotionals and the going deeper questions I feel like I learn something new like of my pride (alot of my pride), sexual immorality, guilt and shame, and forgiveness. I am also reminded of his abundant grace and mercy for me, my goodness, a-bun-dant! Being revealed my sins and having to confess and deal with them is not a punishment, it's a reminder of his redemption of my life and soul. It's a reminder of my need for Him and his everlasting for me. My past, present and future sins being confessed and not just cleaning on the surface but deep deep down in the dark of my heart there is one thing that I am constantly being reminded of is that he can has redeemed it all! There is nothing in that I have and will do that Jesus has not already bought with his saving and perfect blood, nothing.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present not future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God this is in Christ Jesus our Lord."-Romans 8:38-39

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pinterest anyone?

So, my new favorite thing? You guessed it, Pinterest!

When I was first introduced to this wonderful website I was spending time with my lovely friend Shauna Lynn. She said have you ever heard of Pinterest? and I said no, what's that? Shauna being the great friend that she is pulled up the app on her iTouch and explained to me how this addiction works!

Let me say...SO COOL!!!

1 week, 12 boards, and 546 pins later...

How many ideas that I have or had suggested to me all in one place and never forgotten by me again. I get to physically see ideas for my future classroom and activities for my students. I have also found some "goldmine" of other first grade teacher blogs that I am now following! As you know I love crafts, and on pinterest there are so many crafts...and now (yes, you're catching on) all in one place! Another bonus, being a college student I also have the ingredients to make my own cleaning supplies and laundry detergent for some much cheapest and the same exact effect as the store brands. I have also been recently been on a hunt for a recipe box that I can "make-over" to keep my recipes in. Now that I have found I can keep my recipes all in one place my hunt is now less frantic.

I'm sure I can go on about how cool Pinterest is, but I will take part in your new addiction by providing not one but two links in this blog for you to click on!

Pin recipes. Pin crafts. Pin random junk. Pin your future house. Go forth and pin my friends!

Click here to check out my boards and follow me