Once Upon a Time...a Girl Scout troop in Corpus Christi had two little girls...and I don't remember the rest of that story. But, who knew that we would call each other best friends today?! Today is one of my best friend's birthday, Leah Breedlove Mandujano is 22! Leah has one of the most kind hearts. There isn't anyone Leah has not shown the love of the Lord to and they walked away wishing they never met her. I have been so blessed by her walking with me since I first became a believer in Jesus. I loved and miss our Proverbs 31 dates. How many countless hours just worshipping the Lord in our cars. Leah was the one who taught me how to play chords on my guitar-the first song she taught me: Revelation Song. Leah is faithful. Leah is always so full of joy. Leah treasures her brothers and sisters and is such an encouragement to them.
I will never forget the time I accepted the role as one of your bridesmaids and then later having to say I couldn't. That day was full of so much sorrow and rejoicing. It was then so apparent her deep love for our Father and her love for me as her sister! I still can't believe that she is married and about to have a baby so very soon! Leah, my hope for you this year is that the Lord would continue to lead, guide, and bless you and your family. In this new year, you would only grow in your faith and dependence on the Lord through every circumstance. I love you so very much, Happy Birthday!!