Thursday, May 27, 2010

where have i even stood but the shore along your ocean?

So today I went to the beach with my family. Oh how I have really missed the beach. And oh how I appreciate it a lot more! How I love Him more!! As I was treading in the water a few thoughts came to mind...

I looked out as far as I could beyond the point of the place I was in the ocean and OH MY GOODNESS God made this this and it was is just a small part of the ocean!! He made all of it, everything it and sustains the whole thing! And while I was sitting there, treading rather, my eyes were lifted to the sky and the beauty of it "picture perfect" clear blue sky and fluffy cotton candy clouds those were not man made, He made them! This whole day! The perfect weather, the beach, the oceans, the people, the animals. He planned every single thing about this day, not just in Corpus but the whole world, the universe!! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!! What?? How?? I was like a little kid that was in such excitement, awe of the things I was seeing as if it were the first time I had seen them. It amazes me, how much we miss, so much that we take for granted and just act like we deserve it everyday and aren't thankful for these "simple" mercies and grace. Even though we are so selfish and sinful he never fails to remind us who He is...sometimes its a really big slap in the face or a gentle nudge like today, but nonetheless He thinks about us He cares enough for us that He reminds us!

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